After two nights out of his own bed, the young boy could be forgiven for falling asleep almost instantly, the very thing could be considered the appropriate act to follow his bedside light's extinguishment, and yet he lies, eyes wide and alert. He tried hard in the evening, and succeeded but for the consumption one Cadburys Hero, to steer himself from doing anything which would later prevent his eyelids from shutting when he was supposed to shut them.
The rain pounds the window outside, a sound he listens to closely as the rhythm might send him into a state of drowsiness too deep to recover from until 6:23am, the time of his alarm for school. He sighs once, twice, thrice, until his breathing becomes easy and measured, the sense of awareness becoming more remote as he gradually, and eventually descends into a dream which he will never remember...
(Sorry, got bored and sleepy, the boy is me and I am trying to find what he is finding. Goodnight!)